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Catherine Norton
Apr 71 min read
Eternal Moments
"I can't cut out the pieces of my heart that still love him and set them on fire," Cassandra reflects in Sergei 2.0, the second book in...
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Catherine Norton
Feb 281 min read
A Precious Gift
The first step to breaking old patterns is to recognize a precious gift when it arrives. Like a second chance. People who appreciate...
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Catherine Norton
Feb 231 min read
Turn It Around
Once the initial shock wears off, we can turn it around and use the experience to empower ourselves. We build strength by overcoming...
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Catherine Norton
Feb 131 min read
A Friendly Wave
Say we have a crush on someone who drives a red car. It's likely we will start to see red cars everywhere - is that our crush? Omg! Now...
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Catherine Norton
Feb 111 min read
"Broken" is a feeling that will pass, not an identity. #ReadTheStain #writer #coach #psychology #spirituality #mindfulness #presence...
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Catherine Norton
Feb 31 min read
Eject Button
It's a shame life doesn't come with eject buttons to blast us out of bad situations. Fortunately, we always have the power to remove...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 281 min read
There is no need to run from memories or be consumed with worry about the future when we can be here now. Pause. Look around. Breathe....
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Catherine Norton
Jan 251 min read
Clarity of Purpose
Take a fresh look at the situation: Do we need that door to open or can we simply go around? #ReadTheStain #writer #coach #psychology...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 211 min read
Faux Ami
In French class we learn the concept of the "faux ami" - an English word with a different meaning in French. A good example is 'blesser,'...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 171 min read
Stuff or Substance?
I once visited a mansion with a perfectly manicured lawn. The sprinkler system was running and there was a new Mercedes parked in the...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 161 min read
Refuge of Love
Imagine coming home to a supportive relationship with someone who not only accepts and appreciates you for who you truly are, but...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 131 min read
Intimate Presence
When are fully relaxed, open, trusting, and accepting of each other, we are in a state of intimate presence. This is one of the most...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 121 min read
One Right Door
I'd rather knock on one right door than a thousand wrong ones, wouldn't you? #ReadTheStain #writer #coach #psychology #spirituality...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 101 min read
Already There
People tend to look forward to when they'll get to an island that represents a "better" time or event in the future. Sometimes we feel...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 91 min read
Principles in Action
This is a gentle reminder that ideas are passive without action. Practicing honesty builds trust in relationships. If "someone" should...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 81 min read
Get It Right
Too often we are running away from something (e.g., bad feelings) thinking we are running to something better. We believe we are thinking...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 51 min read
Common Ground
We know how hard it is to change each other's opinions, and yet we try anyway, right? Why not listen for the problem as the person sees...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 41 min read
Robust Health
Passion is the life force energy we bring to an active, engaged, robustly healthy life. Consider: Am I spending enough time doing what...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 31 min read
Turn Up the Heat
How often do we wait for someone else to get things started or for the time to be right before taking action? There is nothing wrong with...
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Catherine Norton
Jan 21 min read
Door of Possibility
Longing can appear in a dream of being in a certain situation or with someone in particular. Dreams indicate readiness and desire. A door...
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