Stay Healthy
I have extensive education and experience in the field of psychology and counseling, but I do not diagnose disorders or treat mental illness. Why? Because it's far better to stay healthy than to develop a medical insurance issue. I provide coaching support that boosts health and well-being and builds on strengths.
My resume is here. I also invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn.
The three areas I focus on in my Coaching practice are Transitions, Creatives and Simplify.

Coaching provides emotional support to navigate life changes like relationship transitions (e.g., dating, breakups, loss of a partner), landing a new job, extracting ourselves from a bad job, moving, starting a business, forming new goals, making friends, etc.

As a writer, I know the excitement of being swept into a story, writing madly and then having to force myself to do the editing and other less fun aspects of publishing. Everyone's creative process is different, but I believe we all could benefit from check-ins and encouragement. I help Creatives deliver their creations to the public.

Creating space to invite new experiences into our lives is a powerful vehicle for change. This is a call to live more simply, keeping only what we need, and selling or donating the rest. This process is not easy, but I have done it and am happy to help others. Simplify includes in-home support to those living in the Ithaca area.

My rate is a scale based on your financial means (you choose):
$30 - $60 - $90 / session
Are you ready for change?​